Your need for fitness, care and treatment does not stop during times of crisis. Active Motion Physical Therapy and our staff are committed to caring for our patients throughout the COVID-19 outbreak.
We have been classified as an essential health care facility, and are remaining open for patients who need to be treated in our clinic. Our equipment and our schedule have been modified to allow for social distancing and to minimize the number of people in our clinic at any given time. While we always maintain a clean facility, we are even more vigilant now.
In addition to seeing patients in our clinic, for those patients who are staying home and wish to maintain rehabilitation and exercise routines, we are available to help via Telehealth appointments. We know that supervised exercise programs will benefit your physical and mental health.
Whether you require pain management, wish to continue with the progress you’ve made in Physical Therapy, or just want to maintain good health and fitness during this period of enforced confinement, we can assist you. We will design a customized exercise program for each patient. We can utilize exercise equipment you may have at home, or we can help you turn household items into improvised fitness equipment.
We are offering three levels of care:
- Schedule a Physical Therapy appointment in our clinic.
- Schedule a consultation with a Physical Therapist by phone or video chat.
- Schedule a complete Telehealth appointment with a Physical Therapist for a fully customized session.
Please contact us if you would like more information, or want to schedule an appointment. We can be reached at 303.394.3356 or e-mail: